Lori’s Story
August 18, 2021 > News
Lori Hart was only 25 years old when doctors discovered a brain tumor and gave her six months to live. Following life-saving surgery in 1986, Lori suffered a brain hemorrhage that required further surgery. Lori was left with a severe brain injury that changed her life forever.
Lori’s speech was impaired by the brain injury but the biggest impact was on her physical abilities. Due to significant coordination and balance impairments, Lori required a great deal of assistance to look after herself and carry out the basic skills required for daily living. Lori’s parents introduced her to ARBI in 1986. For the first 10 years, Lori was a client in ARBI’s intensive On-Site Program. Since graduating from ARBI in 1996, Lori has become one of our organization’s most dedicated and fiercely passionate volunteers.
She maneuvers her wheelchair with ease and openly talks about her battle to overcome physical disabilities and regain her confidence and independence. “It’s like you go up a hill and then plateau and go up again and then plateau again,” she says of her years of rehabilitation at ARBI. But the struggle was well worth it for this vibrant woman. Lori lives on her own in a home she had designed and built to meet her specific needs. When she isn’t looking after her house or cooking, she can be found at the ARBI office providing invaluable administrative support.
Lori’s excellent memory and attention to detail helped her become a crackerjack database administrator. She helps to maintain our volunteer and donor information, ensuring 100% accuracy. Make no mistake—this is a vital role. ARBI is so very grateful for her continued support and volunteer time. Thank you, Lori, for all that you do!