Tracy’s Strength Through Adversity
June 28, 2024 > Survivor Stories

In the face of adversity, some people exhibit a resiliency and power of spirit that defies all odds. Take Tracy as one such person whose courageous journey has been marked by more than one life-altering blow to her health and life. Dealing with the formidable challenges of a cancerous brain tumor and the aftermath of the surgery, fate dealt yet another punch as she was confronted with a stroke, a repercussion of the treatment meant to save her life.
Greg, Tracy, and their sons
Nevertheless, Tracy embodies an indomitable will to recover. “Her motivation is incredible to watch,” says her husband, Greg. “She is always looking forward and living the best she can under the circumstances. Her drive, perseverance, and never giving up is inspiring”.
In 2010, Tracy underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor. Although she has been cancer-free for 14 years, the impact of surgery to remove a second one resulted in a stroke in December 2022. Unable to wiggle a toe or a finger, she didn’t utter a sound during the first 45 days of her hospitalization, which lasted 100 days. However, determined to work hard and be independent again, along with having good support at home, Tracy applied the consistency and the drive she once channeled into her law career to access an early supported discharge from the hospital. A few months later, she entered programs at ARBI, where, according to Greg, the environment continues to spur her on. “Her improvement arc is consistent,” he says. “And other clients tell me she inspires them, too.”
ARBI elevates the quality of life; they literally change lives.
Tracy is a watercolour artist and avid gardener who continues to use these interests to hone her physical and occupational therapy exercises at home. While Tracy and Greg say they don’t know where they might end up, they wake up determined to make the most of each day. “Tracy has been dealt a pretty challenging hand, but she strives every day to live the best she can under the circumstances. She’s a super mom and always looking forward.”
Tracy and Greg dancing through adversity with strength and grace
The couple say that the quality of care, deep concern, and motivation of the staff at ARBI have been significant. “They’re welcoming and supportive; they answer questions and have integrated me into the process; they are engaged in helping me be a caretaker and think through strategies at home to help Tracy.”
Her story is one of resilience, perseverance, and the unwavering belief that light can be found even in the darkest tunnels.
You can change lives, too.
Join us in supporting Tracy and others like her at ARBI as they continue their courageous journeys. Together, we can change lives. Learn more about how you can make a difference here.